Thursday 8th December, 2022

How did you enhance your veterinary knowledge in 2022?

It’s been a busy year for MSM Vets, with training and mentoring in veterinary practices across the country.

From upper GI endoscopies to laparoscopic cryptorchid surgery and keyhole lapspays our surgeons have worked with vets and veterinary nurses in all sizes of surgeries as they look to improve their skills and keep surgery in first-opinion practice.

We have met many vets looking to receive training or mentoring for a number of reasons.


Restarting surgery after a break


Hannah, at Shipston Vets in Warwickshire, was looking for more confidence to restart laparoscopic surgery. She said Rob’s “friendly, informative and realistic advice gave me the confidence boost I needed”.


Lucy from Highfield Vets in Derby got in touch about a specific case but even when we are performing the surgery ourselves we are there to share advice. She said: We had a great experience when Ryan came to our surgery. From advice on the case over the phone prior to the visit and all the knowledge shared with us in the practice.”


Orthopaedic surgical technique


We worked with Kington-based Arrowfield Vet Practice back in May when we completed several orthopaedic operations and trained staff in surgical technique.


We were grateful for their positive feedback: “They are super efficient in arranging appointments, giving advice on cases and generally very personable and professional. We look forward to working with them again.”


Introduction of a new surgery


Julie Lawrence, a Clinical Director who organised training for two vets following the introduction of laparoscopic surgery to her surgery earlier this year, said: “Rob was very quick to respond and supportive in his communications leading up to the training days. 


“He went above and beyond to ensure the day was well organised and planned for, including offering his advice and opinion on additional bits of kit. He had thought of everything and every mishap, which allowed the training to go smoothly and safely for our training patients, too. He contributed to an air of real excitement in the practice, encouraging our whole team from reception to nurse and vet to be on board with this new service.” 




Carla, from Vets for Pets in Bristol experienced the mentoring offering in October.


“Just fantastic mentoring keyhole service! Support from the very beginning: from buying the equipment to training the nurses to set up and clean the gear to making sure I was confident and competent enough to go solo. Highly recommended, and tailored to my learning needs. Rob was patient, supportive and encouraging.”


It has been a pleasure to work with so many vets and veterinary nurses in 2022 and we are looking forward to helping people realise their potential in 2023 as more and more work on their training needs to be able to perform the surgeries they want to.

Posted by Rhea Alton